• Una Iberia para Albéniz

    Diversos compositores contemporáneos

    Juan Carlos Garvayo

    Una Iberia para Albéniz is the result of custom made by the Spanish Association of Classical Music Festivals (FestClásica) to twelve Spanish composers: Fernando Buide del Real, Zulema de la Cruz, Gabriel Erkoreka, Miguel Gálvez-Taroncher, José García Román, Pilar Jurado, Marisa Stained, Hector Parra, David del Puerto, Mauricio Sotelo, Jesús Torres and José Luis Turina, to mark the double anniversary of the birth and death the brilliant composer and pianist Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) in 2009 and 2010. Based on the twelve tracks that ...+ info

  • Obras para Arpa

    Cristina Montes, Arpa

    Cristina Montes Mateo

    THE WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN COMPOSERS The Workshop for Women Composers is an initiative of the Department of Culture and Sport, in collaboration with the Composer’s Foundation of the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, the main collecting society for songwriters, composers and music publishers in Spain, the University of Cádiz and the Center for Musical Documentation in Adalusia (Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía). Ever since it was first held in 2005 it has become a meeting point, a time for reflection and creation for Spanish women composers. There are s...+ info

  • Poder á Santa María

    Andalucía en las Cantigas de Santa María


    Conductor: Stevie Wishart

    THE MUSIC AND PERFORMANCE OF THE CANTIGAS The melodies of Alfonso's Cantigas tend to be more predictable and forward moving in comparison to the cansos of the Troubadours. They are more reminiscent of the provençal dansas with easily memorable, short-ranging phrases which suggest strong metrical feels even short though the rhythm is often ambiguously notated in the Cantigas manuscripts. The musical form of the Cantigas a is remarkably consistent, usually with the second half of the stanza sharing the same melody as the refrain, as in the French virelai. In contrast to this lengthy m...+ info


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Almaviva aims to highlight the work
of such illustrious Andalusians as Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Turina.

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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