• Julian Arcas

    Fantasía 'El Paño'

    María Esther Guzmán, guitarra

    AN EVENTFUL LIFE Julián Gabino Arcas Lacal was bo.rn in María (Almería) on 25th October 1832. His father, Pedro Arcas, was a good amateur guitarist who followed the work of Dionisio Aguado and his school. At an early age he was to start teaching his sons Julian and Manuel, both of whom immediately showed a natural affinity for the instrument. When Julián is 12, the Arcas family moves to a Malaga, perhaps attracted by the economic boom the city was then experiencing. Here, he is taught by José Asencio, Dionisio Aguado's favourite guitarrist, who was capitali...+ info

  • El Delfín de Música

    Obras de Luys de Narváez

    Marta Almajano, Soprano

    Juan Carlos Rivera, Vihuela

    Luys de Narváez "Los seis libros del Delphin"   The six books of the Dolphin of music in ciphers for playing the Vihuela. By Luys de Narbaez. Dedicated to the most Illustrious Lord, Don Francisco de los Cobos, Comendador Mayor of León, Adelantado of his Imperial Majesty, and this first book deals with the eight modes for playing on diverse parts of the Vihuela. MDXXXVIII. With Imperial Privilege for Castile & Aragon & Valencia & Catalonia for ten years.   Under this title the Granadine vihuelist Luis de Narváez published his book of vihuela mu...+ info

  • Olallo Morales (1874-1957)

    Obras para Piano

    Javier Perianes

    By the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedish music world had matured ­significantly, as can be seen from the work of composers like Natanel Berg, Oscar Lindberg, Kurt Altteberg and another, whose name had a somewhat exotic sound in a country like Sweden: Olallo Morales. Olallo Juan Magnus Morales Wilksman (1874-1957), to give him his full name, was the son of diplomat, astronomer and ­meteorologist Olallo Morales Lupión (1852-1889) and his Swedish wife, Zelma, who was an accomplished pianist. The Morales-Wilksman marriage also produced other musicians: Zelmica who was a ...+ info


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