• Compositores Andaluces Actuales en el Festival de Granada

    M. Castillo, J. A. Garcia, José G. Roman, F. Guerrero, M. Hidalgo

    Manuel CASTILLO:   Concerto for piano and orchestra n. 3 Born in Seville in 1930, Manuel Castillo is one of the most widely-respected composers of the current “generation of maestros”. An excellent pianist, organist and teacher, he is an institution in the musical and cultural world of his home city, and his career and works have made him one of the most representative figures among the Andalusian composers in recent times. Manuel Castillo’s music has been included on several occasions in the programmes of the Festival of Granada, notably the recent world premiere o...+ info

  • El Delfín de Música

    Obras de Luys de Narváez

    Marta Almajano, Soprano

    Juan Carlos Rivera, Vihuela

    Luys de Narváez "Los seis libros del Delphin"   The six books of the Dolphin of music in ciphers for playing the Vihuela. By Luys de Narbaez. Dedicated to the most Illustrious Lord, Don Francisco de los Cobos, Comendador Mayor of León, Adelantado of his Imperial Majesty, and this first book deals with the eight modes for playing on diverse parts of the Vihuela. MDXXXVIII. With Imperial Privilege for Castile & Aragon & Valencia & Catalonia for ten years.   Under this title the Granadine vihuelist Luis de Narváez published his book of vihuela mu...+ info

  • Obras para Piano (1949-1992)

    Manuel Castillo

    Ana Guijarro

    MANUEL CASTILLO He was born in Sevilla in 1930. He was a student to A. Pantión and N. Almandoz, to A. Lucas Moreno y Conrado dei Campo in Madrid; to Lazare Levy and Nadia Boulanger in Paris. From 1995 he has worked as Professor of Piano and later on of Composition in the Conservatory "Manuel Castillo" of Sevilla, of which he was the headmaster from 1964 to 1978. Among the Prizes he has been awarded the most outstanding ones are the following: "Joaquín Turina", "Nacional de Música" 1959; "Manuel de Falla" (1975) and other granted for his choral works. In 1976 he was giv...+ info


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Almaviva aims to highlight the work
of such illustrious Andalusians as Manuel de Falla and Joaquín Turina.

Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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