• Agenda Defunctorum

    Juan Vásquez

    Capilla Peñaflorida

    Conductor: Josep Cabré

    THE COMPOSER Juan Vásquez was born in Badajoz around 1510. His first association with music was recorded in 1530 when he gained admission as a chorister at Badajoz Cathedral, where five years later he served as the succentor. Evidence of his musical prowess is that he was engaged as the music master to teach the choirboys in the same year that he was admitted as a chorister. In 1533 he was taken on as the singing instructor to teach not only the choirboys but also the prebendaries. In keeping with the mobility that characterised professional Spanish musicians throughout the Old Regime...+ info

  • José Muñoz Molleda

    Obras para Orquesta

    Orquesta de Córdoba

    Conductor: José Luis Temes

    JOSÉ MUÑOZ MOLLEDA: WORKS FOR ORCHESTRA In strictly chronological terms, José Muñoz Molleda must be considered a member of the so-called Generation of 27 (also the Silver Generation or the Generation of the Republic), because he borra in the sarne year (1905) as for example Ernesto Halffter, Emilio Lehmberg and Jesús Bal y Gay. Then, he was a year older than Gustavo Pittaluga and Simón Tapia-Colman (1906) and a little younger than Jesús García Leoz (1904), Evaristo Fernández Blanco and Rosa García Ascot (1902), Arturo D&...+ info

  • Una Iberia para Albéniz

    Diversos compositores contemporáneos

    Juan Carlos Garvayo

    Una Iberia para Albéniz is the result of custom made by the Spanish Association of Classical Music Festivals (FestClásica) to twelve Spanish composers: Fernando Buide del Real, Zulema de la Cruz, Gabriel Erkoreka, Miguel Gálvez-Taroncher, José García Román, Pilar Jurado, Marisa Stained, Hector Parra, David del Puerto, Mauricio Sotelo, Jesús Torres and José Luis Turina, to mark the double anniversary of the birth and death the brilliant composer and pianist Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909) in 2009 and 2010. Based on the twelve tracks that ...+ info


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Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Cultura
Centro de Documentación Musical de Andalucía
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales

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